Monday, May 17, 2010


This Arizona immigration law is eating the Obama administration's lunch. Last week, Attorney General Eric Holder admitted that he hadn't read the bill despite saying he might file a lawsuit against it. Though Holder did say he 'glanced' at it - one can do that while wearing a smoking jacket and holding a glass of brandy in one hand with a pipe in the other. Now DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano walks the same plank Holder did.

While being questioned about her opposition to Arizona's SB 1070, Napolitano admits to "knowing of it" but also says she hasn't "reviewed it in detail". Is that better than glancing at it? Your call.

What's amazing here is that after Napolitano says she hasn't read the law, she goes on to say it's not one that she would have signed as Governor. Like Holder, Napolitano is jumping to conclusions without reading the law. These are people in positions that are supposed to inherently preclude them from doing such things at every turn.

Now we have the second Obama appointee in less than a week utterly disgracing the position. The good news? Holder gets to take a breath, I guess.

Video via CNS News

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