Saturday, May 22, 2010


There are times when O'Reilly has my head spinning as I watch the no-spin zone - the culture warriors and the body language lady come to mind. Then there are times like this with State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley when he knocks it out of the park and redeems himself. It truly is moments like these when O'Reilly is at his best and he needs to continue bringing them to his viewers.

When Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner visited China last week, he - on his own - brought up the Arizona immigration law while discussing human rights violations; he apologized for one of the states in his own country to the leaders of another country. In this case, China.

Conspicuously silent on this matter has been Posner's boss, Hillary Clinton who has said nothing, which makes these comments by State Department spokesman Crowley those of Hillary herself.

While interviewing Crowley, O'Reilly focuses not so much on Posner's comments in China but why he was hired in the first place. Watch as he asks Crowley why Posner was even hired and follows it up with, "Was Raul Castro not available?"

Video via Gateway Pundit

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