Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Pennsylvania Senate candidate Pat Toomey (R) appeared on Sean Hannity's television show and discussed the 'Jobsgate' scandal involving his opponent Joe Sestak and the White House. I thought Toomey did well in publicly talking about the issue and hinting that he believes there is a legitimate problem. That said, Hannity pressed him a bit on the statement released by Toomey's office, saying that he thought it should have been tougher.

As this scandal heats up, Toomey should lead the charge to blow it open. To Hannity's credit, after reading the statement from Toomey's office (below the video), he was right to push Toomey on it. At this point, I think Toomey did fine in his appearance. As long as the media continues to run with the story, he can probably sit back a little but if it shows any sign of dying down, he needs to whip out the bellows and get it going again. As I wrote HERE, this scandal is much bigger than Toomey's personal aspirations.

Via Fox

HERE is Toomey's statement referred to by Hannity in the above interview.
For Immediate Release—May 24, 2010

Contact: Nachama Soloveichik • Communications Director • 484.809.7994 • 646.528.1029
Contact: Kristin Anderson • Deputy Communications Director • 484.809.7994 • 612.280.5196
Contact: Tim Kelly • Press Secretary • 484.809.7994

Allentown, PA – U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey issued the following statement today about allegations that the White House offered Rep. Joe Sestak a job in exchange for exiting the U.S. Senate race:

“From day one, our campaign has been focused on the critical issues facing Pennsylvania, like jobs, the economy, and a federal government that’s on an out-of-control spending spree. That’s where our focus will remain. To that end, Congressman Joe Sestak’s support for the policies that are bankrupting our country and killing jobs is of much greater concern to me than whatever deal-making was done between him and the White House.

“Having said that, by virtue of the nonstop inquiries coming into our campaign from members of the media, we are compelled to respond to what is now being commonly referred to as ‘job-gate.’ My response is simply this: Congressman Sestak should tell the public everything he knows about the job he was offered, and who offered it. To do otherwise will only continue to raise questions and continue to be a needless distraction in this campaign. Joe and I disagree on many important issues, from health care, to bailouts, to the unprecedented debt being racked up in Washington. That’s what our campaign should be about, rather than these other matters. Joe can clear that all away by simply disclosing all the facts that he knows, and I urge him to do that.”
Hannity addressed that statement perfectly with Toomey. He lightly pressed him and then got him to publicly admit this is a big deal. Toomey did a very decent job of answering the questions but he needs to be prepared to help drive this scandal, not because it will help him defeat Sestak but because it's the right thing for him to do for his country.

Via Fox News

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