Monday, May 10, 2010


If John McCain is such a hawk on the immigration issue, why is the most recognized immigration enforcement stalwart and sheriff in Arizona - Joe Arpaio - adamantly supporting McCain's opponent, J.D. Hayworth? The answer should be clear. McCain is a political animal and knows how to read the tea leaves being put on the table by the tea party. Prior to sowing up the 2008 presidential nomination, McCain talked tough on immigration because he was going head to head with opponents who were on the right side of the issue.

After securing the nomination, McCain drifted back to his La Raza supporting roots in an obvious attempt to garner hispanic votes. He also supported a path to citizenship in the immigration reform bill that was shot down by the American people in 2007. Now that he's in the battle of his political life with Hayworth, an immigration enforcement advocate, McCain is portraying himself as John "Tough Guy" in this new ad.

This is embarrassing. No, really.

h/t to Hot Air

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