Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The Alvin Greene embarrassment just keeps rolling along for the Democrats. After the unheard of candidate Alvin Greene came out of nowhere to win the South Carolina primary and will go up against Jim DeMint in November. This interview he does with Mark Levin definitely doesn't disappoint - unless you're a Democrat.

There are several noteworthy points. Possibly the biggest eye-roller is Greene having to be told by Levin to turn his radio down. Hearing him explain his honorable discharge from the army is entertaining as well. At the end, it's also very obvious that Greene can't remember the name of his Republican opponent in the General.

In fact, whoever wrote down that information in Greene's list of talking points also forgot to include DeMint's first name. After asking Greene multiple times who his opponent was, Alvin didn't seem to know until he seemed to find what he was looking for on a piece of paper. Once Greene finally answered the question, he said, "Republican incumbent Senator Jim DeMint". Levin should have asked him for the Senator's first name. I'm actually not sure that Greene would have been able to answer that one.

Click HERE to listen to Mark Levin interview Alvin Greene.

Added bonus.. Watch as this Alvin Greene voter says she pulled the lever for him because his name reminded her of singer Al Green. Wow.

h/t to Hot Air for the links

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