Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The Jury pool in Rod Blagojevich's corruption trial has been getting winnowed down somewhat efficiently since Blago's trial opened on Thursday, June 3rd. Here we are on Day 4 and opening statements from Blago's attorney, Sam Adam Jr. are expected to happen, barring any significant and unexpected hiccups with final jury selection. Rod's brother Rob is also on trial and his attorney will present an opening statement as well.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Today, Assistant U.S. Attorney Carrie Hamilton is expected to talk for about an hour, explaining to jurors in the trial's opening statements what specific evidence the government has against Rod Blagojevich and his brother, Rob. She's expected to preview key testimony in the case as well as FBI recordings of Blagojevich.

Speaking for the defense, Sam Adam Jr. is expected to give an impassioned plea for the former governor that will last nearly two hours.

Rob Blagojevich's lawyer, Michael Ettinger, said he'll likely talk for 45 minutes.
On the morning of Day 3, via the Chicago Tribune, Blago tweeted:
"Looking forward to opening statements because that will unlock the truth... stay tuned,"
Blago loves drama and attention so there is obviously some of that at work here but it will be very interesting to hear what is said.

The Obama administration is already in a very precarious position when it comes to the bribery accusations involving Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff. Both are on the brink of exploding open a larger 21st Century Watergate-style mega-scandal. If another instance where this administration offered jobs in return for political favor, it would likely start rolling downhill fast for this president.

The Blagojevich trial, which has an extremely similar undercurrent to it, may very well have the same effect. The job offers to Sestak and Romanoff very well may provide a significant amount of fuel for a trial many already see as a powder keg.

Visit the Blago Files frequently as well.

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