Tuesday, June 22, 2010


In the soon to be notorious interview given by Gen. Stanley McChrystal and his staff to Rolling Stone, some extremely charged words were used in reference to the Obama administration. McChrystal then issued a strongly worded apology. That was then followed by a summoning to the White House from Afghanistan. It's difficult to believe the apology was heartfelt considering the circumstances under which McChrystal made the comments that caused the furor.

The implications of his words, however, may have lasting consequences. In particular, these words via the NY Daily News:
McChrystal, the article reports, took control of the war, the article states, "by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House."

An aide is quoted as calling National Security Adviser Gen. (Ret.) Jim Jones a "clown."
The dots McChrystal lays out with his words are not difficult to connect. He practically said the American people elected a domestic enemy. Speaking from Afghanistan, those statements appear to provide a window into what McChrystal actually believes and the apology does not change that. The words were potentially so damaging to Obama that McChrystal has been summoned to the White House from Afghanistan.

Via The Daily News:
Gen. Stanley McChrystal apologized from overseas Tuesday for ripping the administration in a magazine article.

Now, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan will have a chance to say sorry in person.

McChyrstal has been ordered to Washington to explain why he and his staff criticized the White House in a recent Rolling Stone interview, administration officials said Tuesday.
Larger issues involve how McChrystal's expected firing will impact his troops, who reportedly hold him in very high regard.

The entire Rolling Stone interview is now AVAILABLE HERE.

More here.

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