Thursday, June 24, 2010


As ranking member of the House Oversight Committee on Government Reform, Issa was unsuccessful in getting Democrats in that committee to demand answers from the White House regarding offers it made to Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) and offers it 'dangled' to Andrew Romanoff (D-CO). Now ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has run into the same stonewall.

Via McCall Blog:
A motion to "adversely report" the resolution of inquiry narrowly passed 15-12 by the House Judiciary Committee, asked that the U.S. Attorney General turn over all communication the Justice Department had regarding "discussions of administration appointments by White House Staff, or persons acting on behalf of White House staff, with any candidate for public office in exchange for such candidate's withdrawal from any election..."

The author of the measure, Lamar Smith, a Republican from Texas, said in prepared remarks that he is "disappointed" the resolution was even necessary to get more information from the Obama administration.
As for Darrell Issa, he is chomping at the bit to become chairman of the Oversight committee because he is going to launch investigations and issue subpoenas the second he gets the job.
Darrell Issa, the California Republican who has the led the charge for information by writing numerous letters requesting more information to various officials in the Obama administration, said, as he has in the past, that at the least the offer was unethical.

"Congressman Sestak has done nothing but tell us something that should have never happened, happened," Issa said.
This scandal is in Issa's crosshairs and he is sending the message that he will be going full boar to get to the bottom of it. Now the Democrats in the Judiciary are on record as not interested in doing so.

h/t to Line of Sight

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