Sunday, June 13, 2010


Democratic nominee for Senate in South Carolina against Jim DeMint is this fine young fellow named Alvin Greene. After getting thoroughly trounced by none other than Keith Olbermann, Greene is then interviewed by Don Lemon on CNN. Is it me or can you feel the collective liberal media jaw dropping every time this guy Greene opens his mouth.

Even the leftwing media doesn't know what to do about him. First of all, they can't believe he won. Then they ponder the fact that he represents the party they're in the tank for and lastly, they seem to becoming increasingly agitated that Greene won't drop out. Greene appears to be getting increasingly agitated that he keeps being asked to do so.

That said, I don't blame the Democratic establishment - to include the MSM - for being embarrassed by this guy winning the nomination. A lesser man would be embarrassed for them.

Watch as Don Lemon is practially apoplectic at Greene's answers.

h/t to Hot Air

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