Sunday, June 27, 2010


When V.P. Joe Biden entered Kopps' Frozen Custard store in Greenfield, Wisconsin while campaigning with Russ Feingold, he asked for ice cream. The employees rightfully took issue with his ignorance of their product and informed him in unison that he was in a custard store. It went down hill from there as Biden was told by the manager that he didn't have to pay for his portion but instead, the manager wanted him to lower their taxes. Biden obviously, blatantly, and rudely ignored the comment. After thinking about it, Biden apparently decided to give the manager a piece of his mind.

Not many people can say they were called a "Smart A**" by the Vice President of the United States but this Kopps' manager now has that distinction.

Just to recap: Biden goes into a renowned frozen custard store and asks for ice cream; he is then corrected by proud employees and patrons; this is followed by his being told he doesn't have to pay for his custard - it's on the house; he proceeds to call the manager a "smart a**". What I find rather ironic is that Biden may have been sent to Wisconsin to help support Feingold's re-election because Obama is becoming radioactive for Democrats. Uh, mission failed.

UPDATE: One other thought here. Notice that Biden implies that this manager is "always" a "smart a**". I think it's right to assume this is the first time the two met so how would Joe know? The answer was obvious. The American people are getting to these politicians and Biden lashed out at what he viewed as the face of them.

via Weasel Zippers:

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