Monday, June 28, 2010


Naked Emperor News does it again, posting a video montage of the various Supreme Court Justices challenging then Solicitor General Elena Kagan during oral arguments in the case that ultimately led to Obama chastising the Supreme Court during the State of the Union last January. Part of my was apoplectic listening to this as the debate actually devolves to the point of whether the government should have the right to ban books - yes, banning books.

Scalia, Roberts, and Alito all do a more than sufficient job of slamming Kagan for her absurd arguments, the most absurd being that even if there was a law that mandated the banning of any book, the FEC wouldn't enforce it.

As Scalia points out, that's not the least bit comforting - nor should it be.

Via Naked Emperor

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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