Thursday, June 10, 2010


As Barack Obama wonders aloud to the American people whose 'ass' he needs to kick over the oil disaster in the Gulf, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is setting his sights on a much larger goal - getting the oil cleaned up. The contrast between the two men couldn't be more blatantly obvious. The president is tied to an inept bureaucracy that is eating his lunch on this catastrophe and his response to it is to point fingers while telling others not to.

Conversely, Jindal gets in a boat, goes out to the wetlands, straps on a vacuum, and starts sucking up oil. CNN's Anderson Cooper calls it a "photo-op" as he interviews Jindal. While I'm sure Jindal welcomes the cameras, his motives are beyond photo-ops. Obama going to Louisiana to pick up tiny tar balls before going on vacation was a photo-op intended to portray engagement. Jindal is engaged and is using the cameras as a megaphone to scream for help.

There's a difference. To be fair to Cooper, he did provide a forum for Jindal. One last thing on this video. It ended too soon. After Cooper's story finished, it went back to a live shot with him and James Carville. I wonder what Carville had to say about the difference between Jindal and Obama relative to this disaster. Then again, the leash was put on Carville after he went off last month so it probably wasn't all that interesting.

via HotAir Pundit

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