Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Wow. This from a man who is still blaming the previous administration seventeen months into his own. There has never been a president so willing to reject responsibility as completely as this one. Remember that economic mess he inherited? He's only made it worse. Remember all that blame he was throwing around as a Senator during Hurricane Katrina? Applying his standard to the Gulf Oil disaster would necessarily mean this has been handled worse.

Better get a spoon for this hypocrisy. It's so palpable, you'll actually be able to chew on it. Both videos below via Hot Air.

Oh, I wasn't going to post this video..............until I saw it. The quality isn't the greatest and I thought it just captured a student nodding off during Obama's speech. Uh, no. This dude was in phase three REM! I think it's safe to say that the air has left the "Yes, we can" balloon.

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