Saturday, June 12, 2010


This is among the most bizarre stories of this short century. On its face, you may say we're only 10 years in so it's not that bold of a claim. Uh, have you been paying attention these past 10 years? I rest my case. Alvin Greene has somehow won the Democratic nomination for Senate in South Carolina.

After he won, people began taking a closer look at him and found a pending felony charge relative to pornography in his file. On June 11th, Fox News' Sheppard Smith interviewed the young lady Greene allegedly presented 'porn' to and it's one of those interviews you don't want to miss. I had the good fortune of seeing it with relatives and we looked at each other throughout just to make sure our eyes weren't deceiving us.

Via MediaIte

Just so you can get more Greene, take a look at this interview at his home. Greene ran on a military record but couldn't produce any photos of himself in uniform to the interviewer. This story is getting VERRRY INTERESTING.

via Hot Air

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