Saturday, June 19, 2010


I've always liked Trace Adkins' music but I think I like it a whole lot more after watching this interview. CNN's Anderson Cooper does a very decent job in this interview, asking Adkins some good questions. Before watching this, I had no idea that the now famous country singer worked in the oil fields for four years and on rigs in the Gulf of Mexico for six years. That unquestionably makes him qualified to speak on the subject - unlike typical celebrities, who do it anyway.

This whole segment is worth watching but hang in there until Cooper asks Adkins for his opinion on Barack Obama's offshore drilling moratorium. Some of the words used are "Idiotic", "Juvenile", and "uninformed" - all after rolling his eyes in obvious disgust at Obama. He then goes on to say that the moratorium is like "kicking a man when he's down". Adkins' point is a very good one.

Yes, fishing and tourism are livelihoods for many on the Gulf Coast but so is oil drilling. Demonstrating how supply side economics works, Adkins then points to all of the industries that will be negatively impacted by this insane decision. Either Obama hasn't thought about them or he simply doesn't care.

Also note at the end of the interview, Cooper asks Adkins about which one of his songs would best fit the oil disaster. Adkins response is the song, "Missing You". A link to a video of that song is below the Anderson Cooper interview.

Click HERE to watch video of "Missing You".

h/t to Hot Air Pundit for CNN interview

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