Friday, July 2, 2010


Are you listening yet, Rick Perry? During a gun battle in Juarez, Mexico between drug cartels, seven bullets hit El Paso's city hall. One of the bullets even penetrated the office of the Assistant City Manager. This prompted Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to write a strongly worded letter to the White House, demanding more troops.

Via the El Paso Times:
EL PASO - Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today demanded that President Obama send more troops to the Texas-Mexico border and used the shots that hit El Paso City Hall as an example of increased violence on the border.

Abbott said in a letter that the seven shots that hit City Hall in El Paso were an example of the violence that is plaguing the border area and that sending 1,200 National Guard soldiers to the entire U.S.-Mexico border is not enough.
Texas Governor Rick Perry has begun to step up the rhetoric in favor of border enforcement while staying away from the controversy in Arizona.

Via News 8 Austin:
"The idea that you would send 250 guard troops to a 1,200-mile border and think that is anything but an affront is beyond me," Perry said.
In light of these recent developments in El Paso coupled with Perry's frustration with the Feds, he should be standing with Arizona instead of trying to avoid overt support for their new law. The impact of Perry and Brewer standing shoulder to shoulder against the Obama administration's immigration stance would be far more powerful than Perry and Brewer fighting somewhat different battles. It is Brewer who has completely cast aside political correctness. Perry still doesn't seem to be willing to do that yet. He needs to.

Click HERE to read Abbott's letter to Obama.

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