Sunday, July 4, 2010


It's quite safe to say that 2010 has not been a good year for Al Gore; it started with Climategate in November of 2009 and continues on a downward spiral with masseuse-gate. Just a year ago, the climate change whack jobs were on the brink of ramming cap and trade down the world's collective throat. At the recent G20 meetings in Toronto, however, it appears that some economic realities, coupled with the growing anti-climate change sentiment among voters in each nation that makes up the G20, pack a big wallop.

Via Lawrence Solomon at the Financial Post:
One year ago, the G8 talked tough about cutting global temperatures by two degrees. In Toronto, they neutered that tough talk, replacing it with a nebulous commitment to do their best on climate change — and not to try to outdo each other. The global-warming commitments of the G20 — which now carries more clout than the G8 — went from nebulous to non-existent: The G20’s draft promise going into the meetings of investing in green technologies faded into a mere commitment to “a green economy and to sustainable global growth.”
So why the change of heart? For one thing, there's been a bit of an economic awakening in Europe. As much as the liberal left tries not to understand where money comes from, at some point that very basic economic lesson comes in the form of a slap in the face; that slap has hit Europe's leaders. Largess on carbon credit technology is not something they can afford to put in their shopping carts - perhaps some good can come out of exorbitant debt.

There are also some political realities being thrust on national leaders - political realities a certain president here in the U.S. continues to ignore. France provides the quintessential example for Solomon:
France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy, who had vowed to “save the human race” from climate change by introducing a carbon tax by the time of the G8 and G20, was a changed man by the time the meetings occurred. He cancelled his carbon tax in March, two days after a crushing defeat in regional elections that saw his Gaullist party lose just about every region of France. He got the message: Two-thirds of the French public opposed carbon taxes.
Let's also not forget one other factor not addressed by Solomon in his piece - the alternate media, which sunk its teeth into the emails to and from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia last year. It was like pushing a huge boulder uphill with the American media but whether the libs in the media want to admit it or not, they were once again on the wrong side of the argument and paid another heavy price in terms of their relevance.

If you need a living, breathing example of why Obama's FCC wants to regulate the internet, look no further than the impact of the alternate media on climate change. Obama fears talk radio and the blogs; he's seen first hand how they can be instrumental in short circuiting a global fraud like climate change.

Read it all.

h/t to Free Republic

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