Sunday, July 4, 2010


Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi should be dead by now; in fact, he should have died months ago. His alleged terminal illness - cancer - was the reason given by Scottish authorities for his release last August. Here we are eleven months into a three month prognosis and al-Megrahi is expected to live another ten years. This jihadist dirtbag was convicted of killing 270 in the Pan Am 103 bombing on December 21st, 1988 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Now, after being released in some twisted show of compassion, it's learned that the gullibility of Scottish authorities is beyond reproach.

Via the AFP:
The Lockerbie bomber could survive for 10 years or longer, according to the cancer specialist who said last year he would be dead within three months of his release.

Professor Karol Sikora, who assessed Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi for the Libyan authorities almost a year ago, told The Sunday Times newspaper it was "embarrassing" that he had outlived his three-month prognosis.
Sikora now claims his prognosis was a bit embarrassing; duh! ya think?
The professor told The Sunday Times that the Libyan authorities made it clear to him that if he concluded Megrahi would die in a matter of months, it would greatly improve his chances of being released from jail in Scotland.

"It was clear that three months was what they were aiming for. Three months was the critical point," Sikora said.

"On the balance of probabilities, I felt I could sort of justify (that)."
Apparently lost on anyone who exercises even a modicum of logic is any illness this dirtbag may have is irrelevant - though now it seems the Scots were played like bagpipes. It shouldn't have mattered if Megrahi only had one day to live. It's more than he deserved. It should be obvious that this wasn't compassion. It was political cowardice.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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