Thursday, July 1, 2010


The Verum Serum blog is raising a very interesting question about this photo. In essence, when was it taken? In light of the Blagojevich corruption trial and all of the phone conversations that have been recorded, Obama's involvement in and knowledge of what was going on with the attempt to sell his Senate seat is becoming clearer; it's more than he led the public to believe.

Verum Serum brings up the origin of this photo and raises some good questions using some very sound premises.

The photo first appeared in a newsletter dated November 12, 2008 - a full eight days after the election. Based on the recorded phone conversations, we do know that SEIU official Tom Balanoff was sent by Obama to see Blagojevich the day after the election. We also know that Blago floated the HHS gig in return for appointing Jarrett. That wasn't going to happen according to Balanoff.

Blagojevich, as VS points out, was not part of the election campaign so it's unlikely this photo was taken on the campaign trail.
It’s possible of course that the photo was taken prior to the election. But given that Blagojevich had no role in the Obama campaign, and that victory in Illinois was a given, I’m hard pressed to think of anything (else) important enough to warrant such a serious face to face meeting between the two.
Is it possible that after Balanoff returned to Obama with Blago's demands that Obama thought he might attempt some face-to-face persuasion? Obama returned to Chicago after the election to celebrate so the two men were in the same city in the days after Obama sent Balanoff to meet with Blagojevich.

Interestingly, the newsletter in which this photo appeared was pulled from the internet shortly after VS posted it on December 15th, 2008 but you can view an archived version of it by CLICKING HERE.

h/t to VS

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