Friday, July 23, 2010


h/t to Barrackaid #34 on this one. We knew South Carolina Senate candidate Alvin Greene (D) served thirteen years in the military but not much else - kind of like what we know about Obama and Columbia University. Well, now we know why Alvin wasn't too excited about releasing that military record. After reading excerpts from various appraisals, the one comment that comes to mind is, 'works well under constant supervision'. This guy's story is really unmatched when you talk about how inexplicable it is.

Via the AP:
The records, which document his superiors' decisions to pass over Greene for promotion, cite mistakes as severe as improperly uploading sensitive intelligence information to a military server, and as basic as an overall inability to clearly express his thoughts and perform basic tasks.
How about this gem?
At his home in Manning on Thursday, Greene told an AP reporter who reviewed the documents with him that the evaluations show he was discriminated against by military supervisors but he did not explain what that meant.

"I'm telling you who they promote: the terrorists and the communists," said Greene, wearing a blue U.S. Air Force T-shirt. "This is why we need to overhaul the military and get these people out."
Oh, and just to prove I wasn't exagerating about that 'constant supervision' remark....
Greene is "usually capable of handling mundane tasks with supervision" but is "not able to adapt to any changes to daily routine," the reviewer wrote, also noting that Greene had received multiple disciplinary actions for failing to perform his duties.
Anyone who votes for this guy really should consider not ever voting again.

Here is a must-see video on America's most infamous candidate. I'm not sure what message is being communicated with the constant clips of LeBron James but.......

h/t to Hot Air for video

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