Sunday, July 18, 2010


Despite not making it available to the general public, the NAACP has issued a resolution calling for the Tea Party movement's leadership to denounce any and all racism from its ranks. Uh, thanks to this interview between Geraldo Rivera and Niger Innis, the NAACP is about three months late. A letter written and signed by over a dozen tea party group leaders, making up the National Tea Party Federation is dated April 24th, 2010.

Watch Innis hold it up on Geraldo for all to see.

Via Breitbart

HERE is the letter. It was posted on Big Government back on April 26th. Perhaps the NAACP should check this stuff out before it starts poppin' off. It'd be nice if the NAACP came out publicly against Rod Blagojevich for referring to Jesse Jackson Jr. as an "Uber-African-American" countless times on the recordings played during his trial. Then again, that trial - and the facts - are very unkind to Jesse Jackson Jr. But I digress.

More at Big Government

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