Tuesday, July 6, 2010


It'd be bad enough if this fine young fellow simply represented the New Black Panther Party that's embroiled in a DOJ scandal that involves dropping a slam dunk case of blatant voter intimidation after winning a default judgment. In the context of the scandal, it would simply provide additional bad PR that the NBPP simply doesn't need. However, this is actually the guy who was caught on video at the Philadelphia polling station on November 4th, 2008. So, not only did Holder's DOJ drop all charges in a case it had already won but one of the individuals involved lets loose here with some KKK style rhetoric, calling for racially motivated murder.

His name? King Samir Shabazz. His game? Hatin' on whitey and exhorting blacks to "kill some crackers" and "kill some of their babies". Uh, if Eric Holder thought he had a headache when J. Christian Adams resigned to testify in front of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, he may want to see a neurosurgeon after this video goes viral.

via Naked Emperor News

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