Sunday, July 25, 2010


Welcome to Black Liberation Theology. Whether you're talking about wealth re-distribution, collective salvation over individual salvation, or taking from the haves and giving to the have nots, one theme is consistent. BLT is not about forgiveness or redemption. It is about vendettas, payback, and racial hatred. Ain't it ironic that the notion of taking that which belongs to others and giving it to someone else is at the heart of Saul Alinsky's teachings?

It can never be overstated that Alinsky - Obama's ideological mentor - dedicated his work to Lucifer himself.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. There are two passages from Scripture that fly in the face of BLT. One is John 12: 1-6 and the other is Matthew 25: 14-30.

Via Naked Emperor:

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