Thursday, July 8, 2010


The fact that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is again caught being stymied is not news in and of itself. What is news is watching him do so in the face of logical questions about the administration's decision to sue Arizona over SB 1070. The essence of the suit is that Arizona doesn't have the right to preempt federal law on issues like immigration. Since the Arizona law mirrors federal law almost to the letter, the feds appear to take issue with Arizona interfering with policy more than infringing upon federal law.

Enter this exchange between a reporter and Gibbs. I guarantee she presents the White House attorneys with a problem they are indeed going to have to address. In short, if the suit against Arizona is about immigration laws being federal issues, why are "Sanctuary City" laws not a problem? They're actually in direct opposition to federal law while Arizona's SB 1070 is concurrent with it?

Gibbs' answer? His favorite one. "I'll have to get back to you on that."

CLICK HERE to read the federal complaint against Arizona and Governor Jan Brewer.

via Breitbart

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