Wednesday, July 14, 2010


On the day the prosecution in the Blagojevich trial rested its case, one of its last witnesses took the stand. That witness is John Wyma. We now have one of those black and white moments courtesy of Wyma's testimony. Either Wyma, who was a longtime friend of Blagojevich, lied under oath or Obama lied at a press conference he held with Joe Biden and Al Gore at his side on the day of Blagojevich's arrest on December 9th, 2008. Wyma testified that Rahm Emanuel was sent to him on behalf of Obama in November of 2008 with a message for Blagojevich.

That message? Appoint Valerie Jarrett.

Via the Sun-Times:
Wyma also testified that he got a November 2008 phone call from Emanuel, an emissary for Barack Obama, who had a message for the governor about the president-elect's U.S. Senate seat: "He said the president-elect would value and appreciate Valerie Jarrett in the Senate seat," Wyma said.
To be clear, Wyma's claim does not in any way implicate Obama in the commission of a crime but it does call into question the public statements made by then president-elect Obama at the aforementioned press conference.

At this press conference, Obama issued a carefully worded statement and then dismissed the press. At that point, Obama decided to answer one of the reporters' questions about whether he knew "what was going on (with his) Senate seat".

Fast forward to the 3:10 mark and see how Obama answered that question.

As further indication that Wyma is the one telling the truth, consider why he started cooperating with the feds prior to the Blagojevich arrest. Also via the Sun-Times:
Wyma said he sat in on a meeting in which Blagojevich discussed "getting Magoon for 50" -- a reference to demanding $50,000 from the hospital CEO in exchange for boosting the reimbursement rates.

"It made me uncomfortable," Wyma said, eventually prompting him to withdraw from the governor's fund-raising team.

Wyma testified that in 2008 Blagojevich was floating fund-raising plans that had Wyma growing "increasingly alarmed."
If Wyma went to the Feds because he was "uncomfortable" with what his longtime friend was doing, why would he come all this way to lie under oath? To hear the phone call on which Blagojevich learned that Wyma had been cooperating with the Feds, click HERE.

Obama Lied. Period.

Is this another case of the cover-up being worse than the act itself?

More at the Sun-Times

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