Tuesday, July 20, 2010


After video of Shirley Sherrod speaking to the NAACP in 2009 went viral, she ended up being forced to resign over what many perceived as her racist comments about not doing all she could to help a farmer because he was white. Today, she blamed everyone but herself for actually making the comments. Her claims? She was alluding to a story from long before her service with the Department of Agriculture. Listen as Sherrod gives us her 'what I meant to say' moment.

Even if we're to believe her - some might - when she says she was telling an anecdote about a life lesson that taught her to move beyond race, wouldn't you like to know what she was thinking when people in the audience appeared to be cheering on her tale of discrimination?

Perhaps the most telling part of this first video is that Sherrod claims the White House forced her out because of the pressure being brought against them by both Fox News and the Tea Party. If true, that says quite a bit about how effective the Tea Party and the alternative media have become. If true, it should inspire hope and confidence in the conservatives in that respect.

Here's an interesting interview between CNN's Tony Harris and Sherrod, who explains that the White House forced her to pull ovr to the side of the road to resign. She also names the person responsible. When Harris asks her why the White House wasn't willing to hear her side of the story before showing her the door, Sherrod says the administration is afraid of Glenn Beck. That's almost as good as hearing the red phone ring.

h/t Hot Air

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