Saturday, August 14, 2010


Right now, Joe McCarthy is saying 'I told you so' while shaking his head in disgust at those who did not listen. It has now been confirmed that of the 535 members in the U.S. congress, 70 of them are card carrying members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Yes, 70 Democrats in the House and the Senate are registered Socialists. Keep in mind, that there are currently 256 Democrats in the House and 59 in the Senate (Lieberman and Sanders caucus with Democrats). That's a grand total of 315 Democrats in Congress, 70 of which are confirmed socialists, which equates to just over 22%.

How about that list of names? It's about who you'd expect but interestingly, the two Democrats currently under investigation for ethics violations BY the Democrats - Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel - are both registered Socialists as well. Yes, the man who was once chairman of the House Ways and Means committee, the most powerful committee in Congress, is a Socialist. So is California Rep. Pete Stark, at one time 2nd in charge.

Other notables on the list include Robert Wexler (FL), Dennis Kucinich (OH), Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL) and the lone Senator to declare his socialist loyalty is no surprise - Bernie Sanders (VT).

However, what I found particularly interesting was the number of registered socialists who also belong to the Congressional Black Caucus. By my count, the CBC consists of 42 members. All but 11 of those members are registered with the Democratic Socialists of America. That translates to 74% of the entire Congressional Black Caucus being avowed socialists. I wonder what percentage of the 11 share the same ideology but simply didn't register for political expediency. Then again, why participate in the CBC at all if that's the case?

C'mon, you know you want to watch this one again... If the list had come out before Maxine realized she advocated Socialism publicly, she wouldn't have had to stammer, stutter, and stumble in this exchange.

Big H/T to Gateway Pundit for the DSA List!

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