Monday, August 2, 2010


Make no mistake. Sides are being chosen and lines are being drawn. Government officials are being held accountable at all levels to uphold their oaths to protect and defend against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. An Arizona sheriff in Pinal county named Paul Babeu has now publicly stated where he stands and it is against the Federal government, which he has identified as the enemy in his state's battle to deal with the illegal immigration problem which, as he says, has serious implications for the entire country.

Via CNSNews:
“Our own government has become our enemy and is taking us to court at a time when we need help,” Babeu said.

Babeu and Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County Ariz., spoke by phone with last week about the May 17 ACLU class-action lawsuit, which charges the law uses racial profiling and named the county attorneys and sheriffs in all 15 Arizona counties as defendants. The Department of Justice filed a lawsuit on July 6, charging the Arizona law preempted the federal government’s sole right to enforce immigration law.

“If the president would do his job and secure the border; send 3,000 armed soldiers to the Arizona border and stop the illegal immigration and the drug smuggling and the violence, we wouldn’t even be in this position and where we’re forced to take matters into our own hands,” Babeu said.
Dever said the federal government’s failure to secure the border and its current thwarting of Arizona’s effort to control illegal immigration within its borders has implications for the entire country.
It cannot be overstated that our Federal government is not only refusing or unable to do its job to enforce immigration laws. It is now actively preventing that enforcement; it is literally a lawless government by definition and SB 1070 has proven it, regardless of Judge Susan Bolton's attempt to de-fang it.

Read it all.

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