Monday, August 23, 2010


Via Pamela Geller, this audio recording of Feisal Abdul Rauf is getting a lot of play based upon his claim that America has more Muslim blood on its hands than do Muslims who've killed innocent non-Muslims. This is a bald-faced lie when you factor in the murder of Muslims at the hand of Muslims. However, how about the 'N' word used by Rauf? His use of the word was NO different than the context in which Dr. Laura used it. So why isn't he being demonized for it? He's not black, thereby negating any inherent right he has to use it.

Notice how he says he's a friend of Madeline Albright - over the past couple of years - after citing her as a source for proving the United States' murder of Muslims. He also references Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 911'.

To hear Feisal use the 'N' word, fast forward to 4:17. Paging Al and Jesse!

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