Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Calls for an investigation into the funding of the extremely suspect Ground Zero mosque Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf have been ignored repeatedly. Despite strong evidence that Rauf may be funded by nefarious sources and that he personally has connections to nefarious Islamic groups, those responsible for spearheading such an investigation have decided it's not warranted. However, now House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has stood up - to defend Rauf by calling for an investigation into the funding of those who oppose the mosque.

If the United States would have actually identified an enemy after 9/11, Pelosi would be aiding and abetting it by all clear standards. This is actually a new low even for her. HERE is the link to the Washington Times article.

Back on August 10th, I compared Michael Bloomberg to French traitor Philippe Petain. We can now make the same comparison with Nancy Pelosi.

Via Big Peace, Pelosi's words as heard on KCBS Radio in San Francisco:

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