Monday, August 16, 2010


If there is one member of Congress that Barack Obama should be most concerned about, it just may be the ranking Republican member of the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, Darrell Issa (CA). Should the Republicans win back the majority in the House on November 2nd, Issa will become the chairman of the committee; that will give him subpoena power and not only does he seem to be preparing to use it but he's building cases on multiple fronts.

Last week, Bill Clinton resurrected the Jobsgate scandal by saying something publicly that was in direct contradiction to the official White House account; Issa pounced on it almost faster than the alternative media. His website posted the story within hours of the incident.

If Obama's future involves impeachment, it will likely start in this committee. You can also bet that Issa is being watched very carefully by this administration. They are definitely concerned about him - and should be.

Issa's latest work involves targeting Obama's use of taxpayer dollars to fund propaganda. Jerome Corsi has a report on this at World Net Daily:
Read in its entirety, the Oversight Republican Report charges the Obama administration with the type of callous, unethical and possibly criminal manipulation of public opinion that is reminiscent of Watergate and the illegal campaign activities engineered by Donald Segretti on behalf of the Committee to Re-Elect the President during Richard Nixon's presidential election campaign of 1972.

In 1964, Donald Segretti pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor counts of distributing illegal campaign materials, for which he served in federal prison four months of a six-month term.

The Obama administration's abuses alleged in the Oversight Republican Report can be summed up under the term "astro-turfing," a fraudulent public relations activity in which "the White House and the agency whose resources it is co-opting attempt to create the impression that grassroots support for a particular policy exists when in fact it has been fabricated using taxpayer dollars."
Issa has also started beefing up his staff and will clearly have many irons in the fire if chairman come January. This administration has racked up quite the number of scandals since early 2009, not the least of which being Walpin-gate and Black Panther-gate. Issa's people are now also going after the administration's Axelrodian mastery of astroturf campaigns, comparing the Obama administration to the Nixon administration.

Issa's report points to several examples, including: the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and others.

Read it all to get the specifics.

Here is a video on Issa's website that features Issa along with other Republicans on the committee explaining their goals as members. Interestingly, there are a significant number of conservatives in this committee. If Republicans win control of the house, this administration is almost certain to be in deep trouble and will unquestionably be on defense.

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