Friday, August 20, 2010


Possibly the most powerful consequence that would result from Republicans gaining a majority in the House would come out of the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is the ranking member but is essentially on the minority leash, able to bark about corruption and stonewalls but unable to bite with a subpoena pen. Even at that, the media establishment is running interference for the administration, which only serves to prevent his bark from stirring up other dogs.

All of that would effectively change with a Republican majority in the House. Issa, clearly a bulldog when it comes to his willingness to hold the Obama White House accountable to blatant red flags, would become chairman of this very powerful committee and is pledging to use his subpoena pen on several fronts.

I've written about this prospect HERE but as the days continue to count down, Issa has already gotten the Obama administration to back off of its road sign stimulus propaganda - a clear signal that this administration is well aware of what Issa might do.

Here is a video released by the Republicans on Issa's committee:

National Review conducted an interview with Issa about what we can expect should he become chairman and the title is, "You'll Get Served":
“You will get oversight where now you don’t,” Issa observes. “[In the minority,] I try to create public awareness about my questions so that I can try to get at least partial answers. Without press coverage, however, it is hard to get heat onto members. The administration often simply does not respond.” With subpoena power, the stakes change. Republicans, he predicts, “may not have to use it, but when [investigative targets] know that you can, it makes them attempt to give you an answer.”

Rep. Dan Burton, the Indiana Republican who chaired the oversight committee during the Clinton years, says if Issa becomes chairman, his investigations will most likely face intense opposition. “From my past experience, I know that [White House chief-of-staff] Rahm Emanuel, in particular, will do whatever is necessary to put pressure on the chairman,” he says. “[Emanuel] was part of a group in the Clinton White House that looked into everything that I had done since I was in high school to try and get me off of Clinton’s back. If [Issa] is aggressive — as I’m sure he will be — he should be prepared to get hit.”
The fact that the Obama administration is already backing off the road sign propaganda campaign says they know Issa is onto something. If he wasn't, why would they pull back.

h/t to Hot Air

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