Monday, August 30, 2010


This entire video is a must-see. Marco Rubio needs to learn the name Imam Mohammed Musri and bring it up every chance he gets. Musri is a personal friend and ally of Rubio's strongest opponent, Charlie Crist. This is a big deal because on Crist's watch as governor, his buddy Musri was in a Florida mosque raising money for Hamas for the specific purpose of funding terrorism. This could be an impeachable offense for Crist if he knew this was going on.

A plea of ignorance from Crist is simply not believable. Musri is head of the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF) and with a namesake so similar to an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism trial in the United States, that being the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Crist would need an IQ in single digits not to stay away based on that alone. Even if you give him an undeserved pass on that, the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), also an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF trial owns the mosque where Musri is seen soliciting donations for Hamas. More on Crist's connection at Red County.

via Big Peace

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