Thursday, August 12, 2010


And you thought this one had completely faded from the political rearview mirror. The White House was forced to respond to the mounting questions about who offered Joe Sestak a job to get out of his primary race with Arlen Specter. In an attempt to make it go away, the White House released a memo on Friday, May 28th - right before Memorial Day weekend - that was signed by Robert Bauer, husband of Mao-lover Anita Dunn.

The story appears to be back in the news. Why? Here's a hint; it involves Bill Clinton. First, the relevant paragraph from the May 28th memo signed by Bauer:
White House staff did not discuss these options with Congressman Sestak. The White House Chief of Staff enlisted the support of former President Clinton who agreed to raise with Congressman Sestak options of service on a Presidential or other Senior Executive Branch Advisory Board. Congressman Sestak declined the suggested alternatives, remaining committed to his Senate candidacy.
Now fast forward to this week. WBRE Television in Wilkes-Barre, PA did a news report after hooking up with Clinton on the campaign trail. There are two very short videos involved. The first is from the actual news report in which the reporter can be heard saying that Clinton claimed he never tried to get Sestak out of the race and was never accused of it.

Interesting and potentially explosive, right? The one problem is that the claim is from the reporter and not out of Clinton's mouth.

Uh, cue up the next video. This is raw footage of a reporter asking Clinton about whether he tried to get Sestak out of the race. The audio is hard to hear - probably why it didn't make the final report - but it's obvious Clinton said, "I didn't try to get him (Sestak) out of the race" followed up with, "I wasn't even accused of that. How about people that know the facts?"

Darrell Issa's group over at the House Oversight & Reform Committee website once again is showing that it is paying VERY CLOSE attention to these developments.

BIG H/T to Hot Air

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