Monday, August 9, 2010


You definitely don't want to miss this one if you have any suspicions about Islam. The claims stated in this video are backed up by every Muslim convert to Christianity and every honest non-Islamic scholar of the religion, which actually is more of an ideology than it is a religion according to those who study it objectively. Be sure to watch 'Three Things About Islam'. If, after viewing, you find yourself being dismissive, you're likely in denial and need help. If, on the other hand, it awakens you to a very real threat, perhaps you will be motivated to educate others.

Speaking of former Muslims and current Christians, Walid Shoebat was featured in a song by a band called Stuck Mojo in 2007. After watching the video above, be sure to check this one out.

For more on Walid Shoebat, go HERE.

Here's the Stuck Mojo video from 2006 called, "Open Season" that plays on the same theme.


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