Saturday, August 28, 2010


I don't know much about Sanjay Gupta, who filled in for Anderson Cooper on AC 360 here but I absolutely loved the direction he took Ron Paul in this interview. Paul, once again, revealed the half of himself that is completely ignorant and it has to do with enemies of America. He's virtually lined up 100% behind Barack Obama when it comes to the Ground Zero mosque being built, though he makes a lame attempt at the end of this clip to draw some sort of distinction.

But that's not the best part of this clip. Nor is his claim that Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. The best part is watching him attempt to respond to Gupta's questions about how Ron's son Rand is in opposition to the mosque after Paul senior attempted to portray opponents as Islamophobic.

Your left wondering if Ron's son is not Islamophobic simply because he's Ron's son.

The libertarian / Alex Jones / Ron Paul bunch is going to lose big and in many ways on this Ground Zero mosque issue.

Via Sharp Elbows

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