Monday, August 16, 2010


This video is in two parts and totals sixty minutes long but definitely worth the watch. It's from a documentary in which Alinsky discusses Community Organizing with a group of young Canadians known as the Company of Young Canadians (CYC) who were obviously trying to pick Alinsky's brain in order to best apply his tactics. Be sure to watch while keeping in mind that Alinsky is Barack Obama's ideological hero. Take note that Alinsky tells one of the Canadians that it is necessary to organize from a point of deep anger.

Listen too as Saul says you have to be a "structured, unstructured person". Boy, does that describe Obama!

Also, take note at the 23:00 mark in Part 1. Alinsky, slightly agitated, appears to begin waving his middle finger in the face of the student with whom he's debating a point - the camera even zooms in on it. If you look carefully, Alinsky even looks at it as if to see how well it was working. Then try to think about how many times Obama has been caught featuring his middle finger at interesting times.

One more thing before watching the video that bears repeating. For those eager to change horses and take Hillary over Obama, there's not much difference between the two or their affinity for Uncle Saul.

Via New Zeal:

Here's Part 2. Here, I find irony at about the 4:20 mark when Saul chastises someone for expecting the Community Organizers to do all the work on his behalf while he does nothing. Hmmmm. Sounds like an argument for capitalism.

Another exchange worth watching occurs at the 22:20 mark. A young Indian charges Alinsky with not having much love for people. Saul didn't like it and responded that he's got more love than the Indian because he's "willing to go out and get corrupted for it."

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