Wednesday, September 22, 2010


On Monday, September 20th, Muslim representatives of various groups gathered outside the proposed site for the Ground Zero mosque to show solidarity and support for the project. Two of the leaders (Mahdi Bray and Nihad Awad) have very close ties to Hamas. Bray was caught on video fundraising for Hamas and Awad's organization (CAIR) was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial.

How about the guy with the red beard standing behind them? Although I don't know his name, Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer has informed me that the man likely dyed his beard in honor of Muhammad.

Interestingly, the Barbary pirates of the 18th and 19th centuries were inspired by a man nick-named "Barbarossa" by either the Spanish or the Italians.

The pirates of that time were savages who would attack American ships and hold their crews hostage until tribute (ransom) was paid. Fortunately, as president, Thomas Jefferson decided to fight them and was ultimately victorious. If there was good to come of that war, it was that the Marines were birthed as a direct result of it.

I wrote about the modern day Barbary pirates HERE.

Personally, I would like to know what the guy with the red beard in this photo thinks of Barbarossa.

h/t to Vosizneias

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