Monday, September 27, 2010


There are now two stories involving the New Black Panther Party that occurred in the same week the mainstream media appears to be completely disinterested in. Perhaps the most explosive was the testimony of civil rights attorney in the Department of Justice, Christopher Coates, who identified individuals within the DOJ who refused to prosecute the Black Panther case on racial grounds. The other story involved a shared dining experience between Louis Farrakhan, members of the New Black Panther Party, and Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Via the New York Post:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's six nights in New York featured a secret sit-down with militant minister Louis Farrakhan, heckling in a hotel bar, and a fear of being rubbed out that bordered on paranoia.

The president shared a hush-hush meal with Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party Tuesday at the Warwick Hotel on West 54th Street.

The meeting of the podium smackers took place in a banquet room, where the fiery leaders presumably exchanged theories on what's wrong with the world.
No doubt, the subject of those 'rotten Jews' was on the table for discussion. Be sure to read the whole article. It points out Mahmoud's paranoia, his stinky clothes, his stinky food, and a woman who openly accused him of stoning her sister. It doesn't appear that Ahmadinejad's most recent visit to the U.S. went all that well.

h/t to Election Law Center

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