Tuesday, September 7, 2010


When I first heard about a pastor in Gainesville, FL planning a 'Burn a Koran' day, my initial reaction was that it probably wasn't the best course of action. I still hold the view that he probably shouldn't have gone that route. That said, his church hasn't even burned one Qur'an yet - not scheduled until 9/11 - and he has received countless death threats while outside the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan locals burned Pastor Terry Jones, of the Dove World Outreach Center in effigy.

Via Today Online:
The Gainesville, Florida-based Dove World Outreach Center announced plans to burn copies of the Islamic holy text on church grounds to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Members of the crowd gathered Monday in the street in front of western Kabul's Milad ul-Nabi mosque.

They burned American flags and a cardboard effigy of Dove World Outreach Center's pastor, Terry Jones, before dispersing peacefully.
Meanwhile, the pastor is being blamed for the burning of his own effigy by stoking all of this. At what point does it become acceptable to blame angry savages for causing the problems?

Hypocrisy? Irony? Yeah, just a little.

h/t to Jammie Wearin' Fool.

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