Sunday, September 12, 2010


It's really shameful that a politician from a foreign country has to come to ground zero on the 9th anniversary of 9/11 and deliver words no one of substantial rank here in the United States will deliver. There are some in congress that come close - Peter King (R-NY) is an example of one - but no one has been willing to go as far as Wilders has. He even does so at great personal risk; he has found himself in physical, political, and legal danger as a result of his work.

On September 11, 2010 Geert Wilders spoke at the ground zero protest, at one point even making reference to the Darryl Worley song, "Have you Forgotten?"

HERE is a partial transcript of Wilders' speech courtesy of his party's website (VIDEO AT BOTTOM OF POST):
Dear friends,

May I ask you to be silent for ten seconds? Just be silent and listen. Ten seconds. And listen… What we hear are the sounds of life in the greatest city on earth.

No place in the world, no place in human history, is as richly varied and vibrant and dynamic as New York City.

You hear the cars, you hear the people, you hear them rushing to their various destinations, you hear the sounds of business and of pleasure, you hear the cheers, you hear the cries, the buzzing sounds of human activity.

And that is how it should be. Always.

Now close your eyes – I know it’s a beautiful day, but close your eyes. I have been told that this day nine years ago was just such a beautiful day -- and remember, or try to remember, or try to imagine the sounds which were heard here on this spot under this same blue sky exactly nine years ago.

The sound of shock, the sound of destruction, the sound of panic, the sound of pain, the sound of terror.

Did New York deserve this? Did America deserve this? Did the West deserve this?

What, my friends, would you say to people who argue that New York, that America, that the West had itself to blame for those horrible sounds?

There are people in this city who argue this. And they are angry because we are gathered here today to commemorate, to make a stand, to draw the line.

My friends, I have come from the other side of the Atlantic to share your grief for those who died here nine years ago.

I have not forgotten how I felt that day.The scenes are imprinted on my soul, as they are on yours. But our hearts were not broken in the same way as the hearts of the relatives and friends of those who lost their lives here.

Many relatives of the victims are here in our midst today. I wish to take this opportunity to express my deepest and most heartfelt condolences to them and to all of the people of New York and America. Humbly, I stand here before you as a Dutchman and a European.I, too, however, cannot forget. How can anyone forget?

Let me remind you of the words from Darryl Worley’s 9/11 song. Have you forgotten how it felt that day? To see your homeland under fireAnd her people blown away....
Be sure to read it all.

An interesting side note is that the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton stood with Wilders on ground zero. Earlier this week, Bolton seemed to indicate he would consider a presidential run in 2012.

Speaking of Worley, here's the video.


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