Monday, September 13, 2010


New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is skyrocketing to the top of my 'most despicable politicians' list. The behavior of both he and mayor Michael Bloomberg over the ground zero mosque issue is so egregious, it makes me wonder where their loyalties are. Cuomo is running for Governor against Rick Lazio, who capitalizes on the countless number of red flags that Cuomo, as AG continues to ignore with respect to the mosque. Lazio has nearly 3/4 of Americans on his side in this one, which makes Cuomo's behavior even more suspicious.

Via Big Peace

Cuomo's behavior reminds me of the behavior of the Ephors in the movie, "300". Spartan king and warrior Leonidas must get their approval to fight the Persians, who are bearing down on his country. Inexplicably, they refuse to give it to him. Shortly after THIS SCENE you learn why - the Persians were paying them off. I'm not making claims as to the motives of Cuomo's behavior, just claims about his behavior.

Let's also not forget Andrew Cuomo's role in the housing crisis. This video shows him in 1998 as Clinton's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), boasting about how much taxpayer dollars our government was doling out to people for mortgages who had no rights to them.

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