Thursday, September 16, 2010


The best quote in this exchange between Malkin and Hannity comes at the end, when Malkin delivers the money line; it had to do with the choice between 'progressive wolves in elephants' clothing' and true conservatives. If there was a mild disappointment, it came from Hannity, who seemed to interrupt Malkin in the middle of her ripping Rove in an apparent attempt to get her to re-direct her anger toward Mike Castle. Malkin seemed to get the hint and do so. It was likely that Hannity didn't want to disparage a Fox News contributor he has a good relationship with so it's understandable.

That said, I would have liked it better if he let Michelle go. If you'd like to view more on what started the feud between Karl Rove and Tea Party conservatives, CLICK HERE.

Via Gateway Pundit

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