Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Michelle Malkin has much more on this but in 2008, a young black high school student in Los Angeles named Jamiel Shaw was murdered by an illegal alien from Mexico; Shaw was three blocks away from his house. In light of the circus that was Stephen Colbert's appearance in front of a congressional committee last week, at which he was in character, mocking the illegal immigration issue, Shaw's family has written him a letter that should shame Colbert.

First up, via Malkin the news report from 2008 about Shaw's murder.

Here is a portion of the open letter to Colbert:
An Open Letter
September 24, 2010
Dear Stephen Colbert,
In preparing this open letter to you, I am literally fighting back the tears! It truly breaks my heart that so many people in positions of power and authority continue to make light of illegal immigration!

Are you aware of, and/or concerned with the fact, that American citizens and legal immigrants are murdered everyday by illegal aliens? Have you ever spent one second thinking about that?

In speaking to Congress today, do you think you would have prepared anything different if one of your love ones was murdered by an illegal alien? You think you would make fun of this illegal alien invasion if you lost a loved one to this crime?

What if your mother was shot in the head by an illegal alien? Do you think you could make that funny? What about your children? Would it be comical if your daughter or your son or your niece or nephew was lying in the street dead, shot in the head, by someone living in this country illegally?
In light of this perspective, Colbert's appearance has moved from a waste of time to dispicable behavior.

Read the entire letter.

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