Monday, September 6, 2010


This report was first published in April and made some play in June here in the U.S. Now there is a video that explains how the claim was discovered. The wife of Avi Lipkin - Avi is a long time IDF veteran and assistant to the Israeli Prime Minister - is Egyptian born and has been working for Israel's radio service, monitoring arabic broadcasts. During one such broadcast, she reportedly witnessed the foreign minister of Egypt telling a panel that Barack Obama told him personally that he (Obama) was a Muslim.

Here is the relevant excerpt as published in Israel Today on April 29, 2010:
"The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim," said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Nile TV. That could explain why Obama has instructed that the term "Islamic extremism" no longer be used in official government documents and statements.
Here is the YouTube video that has now gone viral.

Perhaps someone might do CNN's Rick Sanchez a favor and get the above video in his hands; it might eliminate or reduce the amount of apoplectic confusion he seems to have about why so many Americans - 20% at last count - believe their president is Muslim. This exchange between Sanchez and Jessica Yellin made news because the CNN anchor called Obama the 'Cotton pickin' president' but keep watching. You'll see his frustration is rooted in Obama's inability to convince people he's not Muslim.

If he's not convinced, Sanchez - along with the other liberal media pundits - must necessarily believe that Avi Lipkin's wife is a liar and that her lies are contributing to the increasing belief that Obama is Muslim. Perhaps for one fleeting second, Sanchez should consider the possibility that the woman is telling the truth.

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