Thursday, September 2, 2010


The name of the gunman who barged into Discovery Channel's headquarters on September 1, 2010 was James J. Lee. He managed to take three hostages while claiming to have bombs strapped to his chest. Based on past actions in front of the building going back some two years, he had been adamant that Discovery alter its programming to focus more on Global Warming and animal protection. At one point, he produced a video titled 'Race to Save the Planet'. He obviously felt an urgent need to warn as many people as possible about the impending destruction of the planet.

His solution? Take hostages and threaten to kill them. Here's Lee's video via MSNBC:

Similar to Joseph Stack, the man who flew a plane into an IRS building in August last year, Lee also penned a rant prior to his death.

Somewhat surprisingly, MSNBC actually included this paragraph in its report:
Lee said at the time that he experienced an ‘‘awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth.”
Lee also said at one point that the 'planet does not need humans'.

h/t to Drudge.

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