Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We all remember the three minute righteous rant that Daniel Hannan went on for all to see in March of 2009. He directed his ire at then British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who couldn't have been more embarrassed if he had been paddled in his boxers at the time. Hannan has now written a book called, 'The New Road to Serfdom,' based on Friedrich Hayek's 'Road to Serfdom.' Hannan granted Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto an interview recently and continued making sense.

In a particularly interesting part of the exchange, Hannan referred to how the Tea Party is being demonized worldwide as extremist. He then rightfully states that the Tea Party is more moderate than the Democrat Party.

h/t to Freedom's Lighthouse

Just in case you'd like to reminisce, here is the now forever famous rant from 2009. Note the camera catches Gordon Brown for a brief moment looking shell-shocked. He probably would have preferred a literal paddling. It would have stung less.

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