Thursday, September 9, 2010


This is getting more and more bizarre. We learned today that the pastor of Dove World Outreach Center, Terry Jones backed down on his pledge to burn Qur'ans on the 9th anniversary of 9/11. He did so while claiming that what he got in return was a pledge from Feisal Abdul Rauf to move the Ground Zero mosque. That claim is now in dispute. However, what is not in question is that Jones was meeting with a Hamas supporting Imam named Muhammad Musri, head of the Islamic Center of Central Florida when his phone rang.

Indications are it was a call from Washington, D.C. and that it was Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on the other end, calling to dissuade Jones from burning the Qur'ans. Perhaps most perplexing is that FBI agents visited Jones while Musri apparently got a pass.

A video appearing on Big Peace on August 30th, implicated Imam Musri in fundraising for Hamas. My questions are these:

1.) Why was Musri the Muslim representative designated as the person to talk with Jones?
2.) Why did Jones agree to meet with Musri at all?
3.) How close are the ties between Musri and Feisal Abdul Rauf?

According to Musri in the video exchange with a local Fox reporter, both he and Jones are traveling to New York to meet with Rauf; what could go wrong there?

Here is the video of Musri being interviewed by a local reporter via Breitbart:

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