Sunday, September 19, 2010


At what was billed the Right Nation event at the Sears Centre in Chicago, an organized gaggle of leftists protested outside. Andrew Breitbart, who was participating in the event confronted the protesters, who were holding American flags and behaving in the same ways that they accuse Tea Partiers of behaving. In example #1, Breitbart is called a 'homosexual' by one of the leftist thugs. When he confronts the crowd about it, asking them why he was called a homosexual, the answer comes back that it's because of the way he talks.

In another video, though of poorer quality, you can see Breitbart confront the protesters over their signs. He asks them what they mean and to provide examples to back them up. They couldn't. If you can get through the early shouting, which makes it impossible to hear what anyone is saying, you can hear some good stuff.

Watch this to see communist tactics in action.

h/t Gateway Pundit

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