Wednesday, September 29, 2010


First, the video news report from Houston's Fox affiliate on August 27th of this year. A three alarm fire broke out inside a warehouse and destroyed Harris county's entire stock of voting machines - nearly 10,000. Harris county had been under suspicion of voter fraud during the 2008 elections. On August 24th of this year - just three days before this fire - the county's voter registrar issued a press release that let it publicly be known his office was aware of an organized attack on the voting process.

Here is the August 27th News Report

Now, to the August 24th Press Release from the Harris County Registrar, Leo Vasquez. As in all things leftwing, name changes are in abundance:
“The integrity of the voting rolls in Harris County, Texas, appears to be under an organized and systematic attack by the group operating under the name 'Houston Votes.' Houston Votes is the voter registration machine of the 'Texans Together Education Fund.' Houston Votes and Texans Together have effectively emerged as our area's new 'ACORN' organization."
Three days later, the fire.

Red State has put together a string of at least seven coincidences that should raise several eyebrows about this. Go figure; one of those coincidences involves an SEIU connection.

Read it all.

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